Sunday, November 20, 2005

new people are BAD!

After this year and meeting new people through academic and social situations I have realized that i no longer like "new people." I think im going to stick with the people i already know. I am too old to make new friends.

First there was, let's call her "#32", she captured my heart, then went crazy. I met #32 through a mutual x-"friend" - weird situation- and we hit it off immediately. She was the first person i "came out" to and the first woman i really really really cared for in an intimate way. It was going well - friendship building nicely, we traveled together, and the communication was great. All of that came to a screeching halt when the mutherfucker went crazy. She felt "obligated." Now this coming from a person who strongly pursued my ass. Then to top it off, had the nerve to cut me off over a TEXT MESSAGE!!!!! A text message ya'll, what the hell. That was worse than Carrie (Sex in the City) getting dumped by a post-it-note. Now i can laugh about it, but at the time.....HUMPH! We have since made amends, but it will never be the same. It’s a damn shame that i still really really really care for her and can't quite let go of #32, yet. O yeah, did i mention all this happened in like 6 months.

Second, although I knew this person, i allowed her "friendship" back into my life, and she brought some new and extra shit with hers. She is a bugged out chick i knew for about 6 years, let's call her "Crazy." Well Crazy managed to involve me in some o'l unnecessary drama, manipulate and tried to monopolize my 30th birthday celebration, and then talked about me like i was a dissenter from her majesty’s court. To let you know the extent of her "friendship" to me - Crazy, this chick she was diggin, and i went to the Village (in NYC) for a night out. After waiting forever on her we finally hit the town. Of course they were going through their stuff and i was the neutral party. At the end of the night, while driving Crazy back to her car in Jersey, she decided she wanted some privacy to talk with o'l girl about their drama. Now we are on 6th ave. and 8th street (in lower Manhattan), im in 4 inch heals, i live in Brooklyn and it was December (freezing cold). This mutherheffa asked my ass to find my way home so that they could talk. In a bit-o-rage i got the hell out the car and went home on the train - not smart, i know, but i was pissed. It took me 2 1/2 hrs to get back to the crib. After about 3 months of some more drama, she had the nerve to call me apologizing about everything and said i was her best friend and she went “temporarily insane" because she was blinded by emotions. Needless to say, i don't associate with that negret anymore.

Third, is the law student, lets call him "Bumpkin." He wanted to know everything about me, but in a stalkerish sought of way. He tried to "understand" me because i was sooo very interesting to him. However in doing so, he managed to insult me and my intelligence. Bumpkin was like that little boy in the 1st grade who hit you to let you know that he liked you. Well, Bumpkin said that i was a cliché, to tall, that everything in my life was an “alternative", and that i get off on being different, whatever the hell that means. He was just mad that he had no chance with me and that he was a 5ft 4in midget with an s-curl. Well, needless to say i don’t associate with that negro anymore.

Now i know that i will encounter more new people in my lifetime, just met another one last week, and some are going to end up being very cool individuals. However, my experiences just reassure the notion that there are some crazy muthersfreakers out there. So to all those who read this, beware, they exist. And be especially cautious with chicks from Philly, that's where Crazy is from.

Until next time....BEWARE!


Blogger Max said...

You ain't tell me about the auto eviction. I would have beat that bitch's ass. I still have Crazy's number. Just sayin.

As for the bitch who has no name, you know how I feel about her ass. It's good biz we never met. Also you do know we can never meet since I will hoist my asshole flag from half staff to full mass and you and she will see a side of yours truly that rarely gets seen.

Bumpkin is a douche. Plain and simple. I would have given him a verbal crushing unseen in this part of the world. But you know that.

I would take a sabatical from meeting new folks too if I had back to back assminers in a row like you did. But after coming off of a weekend of meeting new people who were super cool, I'd say rethink it.

You just haven't met anyone who can measure up to my coolness yet :)

10:41 AM  
Blogger Newday said...

Max, you are the best : )

Crazy is not even worth our brain power or time.

As far as #32 (no name) i'll leave that alone. If you two ever meet I hope that there can be some white flags wavin instead, for my sake. That's if it ever gets to that point.

Bumpkin, you hit the nail on the head.

I am open to new people, however i am VERY cautious!!!!!

8:27 PM  

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